999 Geen Dienst Theater
"The Platform is for everyone" is a golden role we follow in our theater group; we always have open doors for new talent, to develop them and give them a platform to perform and express themselves.
"Art is a message" and that is our 2nd golden role, we always seek to make theater with a message, let people laugh, yes, but meaningful laugh. We might touch the audience's emotions and pains, however, we do that with a message. When you finish watching our plays, you will always have something to think about, and of course, we do that in a direct way, simple way, and interesting plot.
"Diverse creates harmony" the differences among humans are not to divide them, these differences or the diversity among us "humans" are there to connect us, to make us complete each other, not compete with each other. And the diversity we seek is not just the origin diversity, as we proudly have in our group people from more than 12 different origins and more than 5 continents. Also, we seek a diverse theater experience, therefore, we are doing our best to bring experienced artists side by side with inexperienced artists, so we can create some fine arts that will remain in the memory of the audience.
25/11 -
Kevin van Der Meij, Yara Joujak,
Bahaa El Dien Mousa & Mohamed Akab.
Directed by: Tommy Sherif
Assistant directors: Adham Hasanin, Frank van der Hijden.
The play is metaphorical representing the eternal story of the relation between the Dictator and the Rebel. The play is based on 100% true stories. These stories might seem so sad, or so dark comedy, so ridiculous or even so unbelievable, but the truth is not always pleasant.
Language: English
Genre: Tragedy - Dark comedy
The Storyteller - Part 2- 2023
Bartho Braat
The Storyteller is a story of a writer who believes in the power of words. He believes that words can be the most powerful method to make a change in the world. The word is light, and torch that light the path to justice and freedom.
Words can build worlds.
Language: Dutch
Genre: Storytelling
The Circle - 2023
Ann Morgan, Abdulkadir Tufan, Osama Hamed & sam Machek
Story by: Louisa van der Meij
Directed by: Tommy Sherif
Assistant directors: Mohamed El Fawal, Frank van der Hijden
The circle refers to the circle of our lives. What is the begining and what is purpose? Including the in between, what is left in the end is what our players show.
The circle is a story in which not a single word is spoken, but all the feelings and emotions are represented.
Language: Musical
Genre: Musical
Misho - ID - 2023
Tommy Sherif
Identity is what characterizes us, it is what makes us who we are. and our identity is not one blur, we can have a personal identity and that is the big frame, we also have a smaller identity, for example the artistic identity.
Oh, is that complicated?
Misho is going to make it as simple as usual.
Language: English
Genre: Comedy
13 Years - 2023
Yusuf Suali
Yusuf Suali, came from Somalia more than 13 years ago. Yusuf is telling his story. How he found his way in the Dutch society, and how he had to struggle for 13 years to get his rights in the Netherlands. 13 years of struglling, 13 years of fighting, 13 years a refugee.
The performance is connecting storytelling, activism and music, the performance was performed at Music Daira a part of Amalyashi festival Leiden 2023.
Language: English
Genre: Musical Storytelling
Misho & Kisho - The Trend - 2022
Tommy Sherif & Ramy Morsy
The social media has became a part of our daily lives, became a part of our routine, and it's spread in all the lives aspects.
Life wasn't always like that. However, there is a question that always rise: Is it better now or it was better in the 80s, 90s?
Language: English
Genre: Comedy
The Storyteller - 2022
Emile Jansen
The Storyteller is a story of a writer, who believe in the power of words. He believes that words can be the most powerful method to make a change in the world.
Words can build worlds.
The Storyteller is in one program with The Trend and 25/11. It's the link between both plays and the guide through the theatrical evening.
Language: Dutch
Genre: Storytelling
Niet Terug Naar Oegstgeest - 2021
Bartho Braat
Tommy Sherif
"Niet terug Naar Oegstgeest" is een kort spel. Bartho Braat werd geboren in Oegstgeest, hij vertrok toen hij nog jong was. En na vele jaren ontmoet hij "Tommy", de vreemde vluchteling artist, die Bartho terug wil brengen naar Oegstgeest.
De relatie tussen Bartho "The dutch artist" en Tommy "The vluchtelingen artist" brengt voor beiden veel verlichting.
De Man - 2021
Tommy Sherif
Ahmed El Rasad
Vivianne Pieters
Elena Antoniou
& Adham Hasanin
Directed by:
Tommy Sherif
Een reis van een mysterieuze man, die op een dag wakker wordt en zich niets van zijn leven herinnert. Hij weet niet wie hij is en wat hij in zijn vroegere leven deed.
Een reis om een verloren identiteit te vinden, zal hij het prettig vinden wat zal hij vinden? Zal hij zijn identiteit accepteren? Wat zou je doen als je die man was?
Off The Wall - 2021
Molly Ackerman
Kevin van der Meij
Neyruz Abou Jamra
Yara Joujak
& Reginald Jackson
Written by:
Tommy Sherif
Directed by:
Arash Naraghi
A story of 4 friends facing the covid 19 pandemic. The story shows how they are influenced by the spreading news in the media and on the social media, all the circumstances keep on pulling them up and down, push them from side to side. Will they be able to keep it together or will they fall apart?
I'm Not Zo Zielig - 2019
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Tommy Sherif & Kevin van der Meij
Directed by:
Tommy Sherif
Assistant director: Lousia van der Meij
Assistant production manager: Abdul Rahman Fayad
Set designer: Abdullah Jabahji
"I'm not zo Zielig" is a journey of a refugee; starting from his struggling back home; searching for freedom, till he ends up in the Netherlands, where he has found something as hard as discrimination, the "Zo Zielig" treatment. If someone can take a journey of thousands of miles, breaking all the borders and the boundaries, then they don't need pity, they would need guidance, but not pity. Our refugee here is declaring "even when life is hard and difficult, there is always another side of the story, where there is hope and creativity."
I'm not Zo Zielig was played 21 times in Delft, Leiden, Oegstgeest, Rijnsburg and Amsterdam.
The play got a 7.6 as an evaluation from the audience at "Delft Fringe Festival."
Ik en Ik - 2019
Ik & Ik, is a short play, the story is about two immigrants, one is a new refugee, and the other is a second generation refugee who arrived to the Netherlands when he was a kid, the new refugee is searching for a future and te new upcoming life while his friend is searching for his roots, they are both in the end searching for the same thing, a place to belong.
Ik & Ik Starring:
Yamen Darwish
Nazer Al Fout
Jill Medina
Yusuf Suali
Chanique Lek